Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WILLIE STYLEZ TECH REVIEW: MCCM v1 HD2_NexusOne Android 2.2 (build FRG33) ROM

Well folks, I finished my battery & performance test! This test consisted of running A LOT of widgets (19 total), w/ SetCPU at 768/245 w/ downgrades every 25% of battery & a screen off of 245/245), TasKiller w/ AutoKill at Screen Off and changing to Leo_Radio_2.12.50.

I started the test before I left home at 7:00AM EDT and ended it around 9:30PM EDT (Detroit, MI, USA time) or 2:30AM GMT (for my British folks)! By then I had FULLY drained the stock HD2 battery with the following statistics:
Total Time: 14.5 hours
MMS: 2 messages
Text: 41 messages
Calls: 8 minutes (sorry, not a heavy talker)
Internet: 19.95MB
3G: 6.5hrs
EDGE: 8hrs
So all in all, it was about light to average use (a little light on the talk for the day). I originally started using this ROM on 9/5/2010 @ 11:30PM EDT (total of 49hrs so far). So far I have experienced the following:
SOD (sleep of death): NONE
Screen Freeze: NONE (my app drawer has lagged a little once or twice, but didnt constitute a freeze in my book; plus keep in mind I have about 135-150 apps)
System Freeze or Lagging: NONE (besides the one or two minor app drawer lags but it may have been due to refreshing my long list of apps)
Sudden Reboots: 2 (1st at 9AM EDT and again at 1PM, none since then)
HSPA+ (limited TMOUS coverage): Working
3G: Working
EDGE: Working
Roaming: Not tested
Cell Tower location: Working
GPS: Working
Wifi: Working
Wifi Tether: Working
USB Tether: Not Tested
Bluetooth: Works (A2DP not tested)
Camera: Working w/ 5M & SuperFine
Video: Working but not tested thoroughly
Market: Working w/ NO ISSUES (downloaded over 10 updates, auto and manual)
Compass: via Google Maps/Navigation, Not Working; via Compass (by Snaptic) Works Fine!
So DEFINITELY, I would recommend this build for daily use! I can't wait to see what Mccm has in store for us with the themes!
Will Flint
Network Eng & HTC Addict!
My Blog
Previous Phones:
HP Ipaq H6300 -> Blackberry 7520 -> PPC6700 (HTC Apache) -> Motorola MC35 & HTC Touch Pro -> HTC HD (1)
Current Phones:
-- HSPL2; Radio
-- ROM -> ChuckyROM GTX LITE - 23132
-- ANDROID -> MattC NexusLeo v1.1 w/ michyprima@ubuntu #33 AND MCCMv1 NexusOne 2.2 FRG33
Motorola DROID (1)
-- Stock Rom
-- Rooted & Overclocked (800MHz)
So What Does Stylez Think!
Let me apologize now for ALL the geek-speak splattered throughout this post! But to those it matters too, you will love this!
So the above review is of a custom Android ROM for the T-Mobile (TMOUS) HTC HD2 smartphone! It is a Windows Mobile Smartphone which I have began using an experimental Android platform to see how it performs! I must say, Android is NOW my favorite Mobile OS! I have found some pretty good HD2_Android builds! And at this point, I use Android as my daily phone OS! Anyway, take a read above and see what you think of this new build, based on the NexusONE's most recently released Android Froyo (v2.2) FRG33 build. You'll be glad you did!
OK, you tech laymens can now uncover your ears/eyes and continue with your regularly scheduled blog experience!
That is what Stylez thinks! What do you think? Please comment (if you understand any of that stuff! LOL!)

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