Someone REALLY loves LeVar Burton!
I was Twit-Booking earlier, checkin out Wil Wheaton, of Star Trek TNG (, and his postings. Well, he tweeted about this TwitPic, and it had me dying laughing! LeVar Burton ( is THE MAN!
This just in, Wesley Crusher got a dedication as well!!! LOL!
This is the periodic web log of Willie Stylez! A collection of posts from a Tech Guru, Music Lover, Social Commentator, Businessman and Father, all rolled into one! Also Visit: Twitter, Ask Willie Stylez or for my music blog, check out
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Abe Vigoda's status... I think he's alive, but who knows?
Do you find yourself, waking up at night, anxious to know... Is Abe Vigoda still alive???
Well, now there's is a website keeping tabs on just that! Not only do they know if he is alive, but apparently they have a PreMortem Mix dedicated to the man as well! Check out the site, and now you too can know Abe Vigoda's life status 24/7/365!
Well, now there's is a website keeping tabs on just that! Not only do they know if he is alive, but apparently they have a PreMortem Mix dedicated to the man as well! Check out the site, and now you too can know Abe Vigoda's life status 24/7/365!
Abe Vigoda is alive
(well, at least he was when I wrote this blog!)
Page checked Tuesday May 26 2009 2:05:25 AM PT
Check page for update
Abe Vigoda's Dead (Premortem Mix)
Blogged with the Flock Browser
humorous websites,
interesting sites,
life status
Monday, May 25, 2009
Why a TiVo DVR isn't Like any Other DVR
I found the article below VERY informative. I actually am guilty of clumping TIVO in with other standard DVRs. However, after reading this article, I have a new found respect and appreciation for TIVO and their innovative products!
Why a TiVo DVR isn't Like any Other DVRWhy a TiVo DVR isn't Like any Other DVR: TechLore
by Scott Jackson May 27, 2008 03:29 PM
These days, TiVo has become a generic term for any DVR on the market, and for good reason. They paved the way for the rest of the industry, innovating unique features like trick play and pausing live TV. Similar to other innovators and leaders in their respective industries such as Xerox or Kleenex, TiVo has been adopted into the American lexicon. But just because someone may call any DVR a TiVo, it doesn't mean that there isn't a long way to go before it could even come close to the real thing. You see, while cable and satellite providers have been satisfied to only provide their customers with the rudimentary features that TiVo perfected eight years ago, TiVo themselves have never stopped innovating.
Aside from simply recording programs you want to watch --which, as far as I'm concerned, TiVo does better than anybody using Wishlists, Swivel Search and Suggestions-- there are many other features on a TiVo that generic DVRs simply don't have, and probably never will. Sure, you can watch Pay-Per-View on a cable DVR, but how many allow you to rent movies from the extensive Amazon Unbox library? None. Or how about: playing your MP3 collection, browsing through photos or watching web videos? TiVo has really made strides in not only being the best DVR on the market, but also becoming the focal point of your home media center by bringing everything together. As more and more people jump on to the internet broadband-wagon, it only makes sense that manufacturers who want to stay ahead of the curve will take advantage of the available bandwidth to offer up more media content for their users.
Let's take a quick look at the features on the new TiVo DVRs that go beyond recording:
Amazon Unbox
This is an on-demand video rental service that has been available on the PC for some time now, and on stand-alone TiVo units for about a year. The selection is almost always better than Pay-per-view, and in many cases cheaper too. And here's something you can't do with Pay-per-view: Purchase the movie to own it indefinitely. DirecTV recently announced that it is putting strict limits on recording Pay-per-view content with DVRs. So even though you may have paid for it, you will never own it using their system. Not only does the service have movies, but it has a wide variety of TV shows as well. This can come in handy when you've discovered a show that has been on the air for a while, and want to catch up before you start watching new episodes. The list of available TV content is quite impressive.
Rhapsody Music Service
Rhapsody is an online music store that uses an all-you-can-eat subscription plan, as opposed to the a la carte model of other stores like iTunes. This system is an excellent pairing for a broadband connected TiVo, because it means you can listen to whatever you want, whenever you want. Search through millions of available songs from your favorite artists. Listen to continuous music available on Rhapsody channels, and be exposed to new music daily. Or create and organize a music library, complete with playlists. Plus, with a Rhapsody account, you're not just limited to listening on your TiVo. You can listen on your computers or any Rhapsody compatible portable player,
like Sandisk, Haier or Sony. Don't have or want Rhapsody, but already have your own extensive music collection? Well that's where TiVo Desktop comes in to play.
TiVo Desktop Software
In my opinion, this is quite honestly the best kept secret with regards to TiVo. Frankly, it's amazing how many people, even including TiVo users, don't know about this. What this software allows you to do is transfer content from your DVR and watch it on the PC, or convert it so that you can watch it on your iPod or other portable device. This is also a great way to save space on your DVR, because you can archive content and then put it back on the DVR at a later date if you want to watch it again. But it doesn't stop there. As stated before, you can also publish your music collection to the TiVo and listen to it through your home entertainment system. You can also browse through your photo collection and create stunning slideshows. Lastly --and this is my favorite feature of the software-- you can publish video from your PC to your TiVo and have it show up in the Now Playing list like a regular recording. The following impressive list of formats are supported:
* Windows Media Video (.wmv)
* QuickTime Movie (.mov)
* MPEG-4/H.264 (.mp4, .m4v, .mp4v)
* MPEG-2 (.mpg, .mpeg, .mpe, .mp2, .mp2v, .mpv2)
* DivX and Xvid (.avi, .divx)
Online Photo Sharing
Aside from using TiVo Desktop, you can also connect to online photo albums at either Photobucket or Picasa. Share pictures with friends or family, or simply just browse the vast collection of pictures.
Sharing Home Movies with Friends
Using the OneTrue Media service, you can upload your home movies and publish them to a channel that friends and family can subscribe to using their own TiVo or a PC. Your movies will show up in the Now Playing list for all to enjoy!
Web Video
This is another great feature that I'm sure just doesn't get the attention it deserves. Users can browse through or search for video podcasts and subscribe to them. New "webisodes" will automatically show up in your Now Playing list when they are published online. With such notable content like The Onion and Superdeluxe, you will no doubt find plenty of enjoyable videos from the vast selection available.
Coming Soon: YouTube
Viral video in all of it's internet meme glory. TiVo announced earlier this year that it was working with YouTube to bring content directly to your DVR. Feel like watching Chocolate Rain or Numa Numa over and over? Or how about the Bill O'reilly freak out clip? Yes, it will all be here and available for you to watch on the bigscreen. Just don't say we didn't warn you.
Today's entertainment landscape is drastically different than it was even just eight years ago. TiVo has done a remarkable job at keeping up with the pace of today's fast moving trends. None of the cable and satellite providers can even come close to the offerings that TiVo has on it's line of next generation DVRs. They have really embraced the internet as a supplementary source of entertainment for it's users, rather than dismissing it as a distraction like the rest.
Originally submitted to the DVRupgrade Forums, republished with permission to Find great deals on original and upgraded DVR's at DVRupgrade.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Reverse, Inverted & Eamz Heels... What's the fascination???
Reverse, Inverted & Eamz Heels... very fascinating???
I was recently checking out a blog posting, from English Russian, and noticed the shoes this photographer had on (No Homo!). And being an avid shoe admirer, especially heels (once again, NO HOMO! LOL!), I felt like I needed to see what the possibilities were!

So, struck by the unique (or so I thought) and interesting design, I decided to Google it! And what I found was a plethora of designs and styles that have apparently be released for some time now (reportedly, up to 5 years ago!). Apparently even the innovative design studios at Marc Jacobs has even tried their hand at it. But maybe without the best results! Below you will find some more variations.
United Nude Shoes Online (Ladies, check out this site for even more unique designs)

Marc Jacobs Designs

I was recently checking out a blog posting, from English Russian, and noticed the shoes this photographer had on (No Homo!). And being an avid shoe admirer, especially heels (once again, NO HOMO! LOL!), I felt like I needed to see what the possibilities were!

So, struck by the unique (or so I thought) and interesting design, I decided to Google it! And what I found was a plethora of designs and styles that have apparently be released for some time now (reportedly, up to 5 years ago!). Apparently even the innovative design studios at Marc Jacobs has even tried their hand at it. But maybe without the best results! Below you will find some more variations.
United Nude Shoes Online (Ladies, check out this site for even more unique designs)

Marc Jacobs Designs

Blogged with the Flock Browser
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Russian Gold Coated BMW
English Russia » Russian Gold Coated BMW
Found this interesting site today. It is a Russian site, all in English, and showing interesting side-culture articles from Mother Russia! This article is about a cool looking BMW M5 from Moscow, Russia. Apparently it was inspired by a Russian gold plated Porsche (which reportedly was car-jacked in broad daylight, on a busy Moscow street! GANGSTA!). Anyway, check it out, see how the Russian Pimp Life unfolds! LOL!

Found this interesting site today. It is a Russian site, all in English, and showing interesting side-culture articles from Mother Russia! This article is about a cool looking BMW M5 from Moscow, Russia. Apparently it was inspired by a Russian gold plated Porsche (which reportedly was car-jacked in broad daylight, on a busy Moscow street! GANGSTA!). Anyway, check it out, see how the Russian Pimp Life unfolds! LOL!

Blogged with the Flock Browser
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Twit-Book Hiatus! A Seven-Day Adventure!
As many of my Twit-Bookers know, on Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 7AM EST, I posted my 200th Tweet! It was an accomplishment that I felt merited a bit of notice! Especially since my first posting had only occurred roughly 2 months prior, I had developed a new phenomena (for which we know and love as Twit-Booking) and people all over were FLOCK-ing to follow Stylez! ;)
First, I requested my Twitter and Facebook friends to come up with some ideas as to what I should do for Twit-Book update #200! Well, being the visionary that I am, I decided to come up with my own plan. It involved the fact that I was going to try to come up with a profound, yet random update that could embody the boldness and effectiveness that I have become known to represent! I felt like my friends and family deserved to see a posting that would make them laugh, wonder, contemplate and maybe even cry, all in one posting!
Then I remembered... there is only 140 characters in a Twit-Booking! LOL! Well, that made my head hurt. Then I was challenged to take a 7 day hiatus from the whole thing! THEN on a side note, I was challenged to REALLY quit smoking cigars... REALLY REALLY this time! ;) Well, there I was, 3 challenges, one momentus occasion, 140 characters!!! Was I up to it?
Well, being STYLEZ means a lot to me, and I feel like it represents more than just a nickname, more than just a monicher, more than just something to say! It represents what I am, what I do, who I can be, and where I am going! It is a lifestyle, it is a frame-of-mind, it is a pinnacle for which I try to reach and keeping reaching for day-in and day-out! And it just keeps making me that much better! Therefore, these challenges had to be tried; shoot, had to be conquered! I Willie Stylez was going to conquor them!
So I set out to find something meaningful, and appropriate to the adventure I was about to embark upon! And as you can see by this posting on Facebook, I think I did just that! An ending to a new beginning, and I was ready to make it happen!!!
To Be Continued...
First, I requested my Twitter and Facebook friends to come up with some ideas as to what I should do for Twit-Book update #200! Well, being the visionary that I am, I decided to come up with my own plan. It involved the fact that I was going to try to come up with a profound, yet random update that could embody the boldness and effectiveness that I have become known to represent! I felt like my friends and family deserved to see a posting that would make them laugh, wonder, contemplate and maybe even cry, all in one posting!
Then I remembered... there is only 140 characters in a Twit-Booking! LOL! Well, that made my head hurt. Then I was challenged to take a 7 day hiatus from the whole thing! THEN on a side note, I was challenged to REALLY quit smoking cigars... REALLY REALLY this time! ;) Well, there I was, 3 challenges, one momentus occasion, 140 characters!!! Was I up to it?
Well, being STYLEZ means a lot to me, and I feel like it represents more than just a nickname, more than just a monicher, more than just something to say! It represents what I am, what I do, who I can be, and where I am going! It is a lifestyle, it is a frame-of-mind, it is a pinnacle for which I try to reach and keeping reaching for day-in and day-out! And it just keeps making me that much better! Therefore, these challenges had to be tried; shoot, had to be conquered! I Willie Stylez was going to conquor them!
So I set out to find something meaningful, and appropriate to the adventure I was about to embark upon! And as you can see by this posting on Facebook, I think I did just that! An ending to a new beginning, and I was ready to make it happen!!!
To Be Continued...
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