Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twit-Bookin 4 Google SearchWiki! Customize your search results!


SearchWiki lets you customize your Google Web Search results by ranking, removing, and adding notes to them. You'll see your changes whenever you do the same searches while signed in to your Google Account, or until you decide to undo them. You can also see how other users have tailored any given search results page with their own notes and changes.

How to use SearchWiki

Here's how you can rank, remove, add, and comment on search results:

  • Like a certain search result?
    Click Like_it to move it to the top of the page. This result will appear at the top whenever you do the same search in the future. We'll add this marker Move_up next to it so you'll recognize it later.
  • Don't like a result?
    Click Don't_like_it to remove it, and it'll remain hidden whenever you do the same search in the future.
  • Know of a better webpage?
    Click Add a result at the bottom of any search results page to add a page that you consider relevant to that search. Type the URL in the box, then click Add. When you do this search in the future, you'll see the page you suggested at the top with this marker Move_up.
  • Want to comment on a result?
    Click Comment to open a text box and type your comment. You'll see it the next time this result appears for any of your searches. Comments are a great way to save and recall any thoughts you had or notes you took about a particular page.

Your rankings and comments are associated with your Google Account, so they affect only your search result rankings. A listing of your changes is visible on your 'SearchWiki notes' page, which is visible only to you.

Check out our video (English only) to see SearchWiki in action.

Learn more about SearchWiki

Do I have to be signed in to use SearchWiki?

Yes. To see the changes you've made to a given search result the next time you do that search, you must be signed in to your Google Account. If you aren't signed in, you'll simply see standard, unmodified Google Web Search results.

How can I undo changes I've made?

Here's how to undo changes made using SearchWiki.

  • If you'd like to return a result you've promoted to its original position, click the down arrow next to the result.
  • If you want to restore a deleted page to your search results, click the Show them link at the bottom of the results page (next to 'You have removed results from this search'), then click Restore.
  • To delete a comment you've made, click the Delete comment link.
  • Finally, if you added a new page to a set of search results, you can remove it by clicking the Don't_like_it next to it.

Want to hide SearchWiki controls?

If you prefer not to see the SearchWiki controls, you can hide them from the search results page by visiting the Google Preferences page. Hiding the controls doesn't delete your preferences; while you're signed in to your Google Account, your favorite sites will still appear at the top, and results you've deleted still won't show up.

Follow these steps to hide the controls:

  1. Visit the Google Preferences page.
  2. In the SearchWiki section, check the box that begins 'Hide the ability to share...'
  3. Click Save Preferences.

If you want to turn off SearchWiki for just a search or two, you can always sign out of your Google Account for that search.

Can others see my rankings, deletions, and notes?

The SearchWiki notes page that summarizes your rankings, deletions, and notes can be viewed only by you.

Is my email address displayed to other users?

No. Other users who view your SearchWiki notes see only your Google Account nickname. (Note that you can see your email address in the top right of your screen when you're signed in to your own Google Account.) You can edit your nickname by clicking My Account in the top right corner of the screen while you're signed in. Learn more about Google Accounts.

How do I report inappropriate or offensive comments?

While viewing any comment, click the thumbs-down next to it to rate it as bad. Click the Flag as inappropriate content link to report a comment as inappropriate. A Google team will review the comment and, if necessary, take action.

How do I share my feedback with you?

Have a suggestion on how we can improve SearchWiki? Take our survey (right now, it's available only in English).

You can also share your feedback in the Web Search Help Forum.


I am searching the internet for information all the time. Who isn't? Well, I use Google primarily and pretty much exclusively (with the exception of "security searches" or when my Flock browser shows a result from Yahoo since that is its default quick search source). Up until now, I have always wished that I could remove certain results from a search, especially when I bookmark a search that I need to refer to regularly.

Well, Google has answered my prayers (how did they know what I wanted, oh yeah I guess somebody was thinking the same thing, LOL)! This new feature is called SearchWiki. The funny thing is, I noticed indications of the SearchWiki functionality a couple weeks ago, but because of Google's clean, non-obtrusive design, I was not bombarded with this feature! This is the reason I use Google, its got hundreds, if not thousands of GREAT and useful features, however the smart designers at Google are nice enough to keep them out of the way. I think that is why most other advanced search engines fail to appeal to people, because they are too cluttered and confusing.

Anyway, back to SearchWiki, as you can see above, it offers many cool features that allow you customize your search results, and enhance the searching experience like never before. Like I said, there are times when I am using a search result continually and have to refer back to it for whatever reason, there are usually some results that just don't fit, or don't offer any value to me. Now Google allows me to hide those results, move more important results to the top of the page, and make comments on results! And its all attached to my Google online account, so no matter which machine I use (my laptop, my PC, my server, my wife's laptop, etc) I will have the same customized results when logged into my Google account!

Well, the next time you do a search, log into your Google account and start using SearchWiki, you will be glad you did! And by the way, if you want to know more about other features and services Google has to offer (and why its the #1 search, saas and cloud service in the world), then visit:

That's what STYLEZ thinks, what do you think?

Posted via web from Willie Stylez's posterous

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