FINALLY the Pandora Radio website has a Windows Mobile FOR MOST WinMo phone, but NO THANKS to the folks at Pandora, who STILL only list a version for 5 or 6 (unpopular or semi-popular) WinMo phones. Come on Pandora, no HTC phones on the list, thats PREPOSTEROUS! Anyway, the great folks at XDA-Developers, and a great deal of work by NRGZ28 has come up with a great alternative. Its not 100% WinMo compatible, but its pretty darn close! It even worked on my TouchHD1, eventhough its probably best used on a phone with a physical keyboard! But I used MyMobileR (which is a FREE PDA control program that allows you to display the PDA's screen on your monitor and interact with the PDA from your computer/laptop keyboard & mouse. Get it FREE from http://www.mymobiler.com). Anyway, just go get the Pandora Radio app and see if it works for you! Oh, and make sure you have an unlimited 3G account, or Wi-Fi in order to make good use of this service! ;)